Thursday, December 19, 2013

Red Wine Terms 红酒术语

Wine Terms A-Z

Appellation d’ Origine Contrôlée (AOC) - Controlled appellation of Origin, that is, a quality designation, confirming where the wine is from and with a set of rules related to vinification and viticultural practices for each “AOC”.

Appellation d Origine Contrôlée (AOC) 是指法定产区葡萄酒(原产地名称控制 )。此乃一质量标志,用以确认葡萄酒的来源地以及一套与个别原产地(AOC)相关的酿酒和栽培法则。

Brut is a term used for the driest kind of champagne as well as sparkling wine.
Brut 一词指的是特干燥的香槟酒和气泡酒。

Champagne can only be labelled exclusively for sparkling wines produced in Champagne, a region in France. Sparkling wines produced in other regions of France have other names such as "Mousseux" and "Crémant" whereas sparkling wines made in Spain and Portugal are named Cava and Espumante respectively.

Champagne (香槟)只能专用以标签在法国香槟区生产的气泡酒。生产于法国其他地区的气泡酒有其他名称,如“Mousseux 和“Crémant”,而在西班牙和葡萄牙制造的气泡酒则分别称为“Cava”和“ Espumante

Decanting is a process of separating the sediment in old wines and to aerate young wines. Decanting young wines helps to soften its green characteristics and encourage it to develop more complex aromas as the wine comes in contact with air.

Decanting (醒酒)是一个分开陈酒中的沉淀物以及给新酒“充气”(让空气进入)的过程。给新酒“醒酒”有助于软化其绿色(未成熟)特性,因为当酒与空气接触时,会促使它释放更复杂的香气。

En Primeur meaning "wine futures" is a practice of investing in wines 18 months before the official release of the vintage, while it is still in the barrel or even before it is bottled. The advantage of buying these wines before release is because it is cheaper; however, there is no guarantee that the wine will be a worthy investment as it might even lose value over time due to a bad review or unforeseen circumstances.

En Primeur 意期酒,即“葡萄酒期货”。做法是在陈年老酒未正式上市的十八个月前、当酒还在木桶里甚至未装瓶时先行投资(付款)。在酒未上市前先行购买的好处是它的价格会比较便宜。然而,这并无法确保该葡萄酒是一项有价值的投资。因为随着时间的过去,它可能因一个贬斥的评论或无法预知的状况而贬值。

French oak as obviously stated, is wood harvested from forests in France to make wine barrels. It is the preferred type of oak for aging wines as it introduces the characteristics of vanilla, spice and butter nuances to the wine.

French oak 即法国橡木。很明显的,它就是在法国森林采伐用以做酒桶的木材。这是用以陈酿葡萄酒的首选橡木类型,因为它在酒中渗入了香草、香料以及奶油特性的细微差别。

Grand Cru is French for "great growth", a regional wine classification given to reputable vineyards as an indication of potential. The label is the highest classification of AOC for wines from Burgundy and Alsace.

Grand Cru 在法文里是“巨大成长”,意指“特级葡萄园” 。它是一种区域性的葡萄酒分级,给予有声望的庄园作为潜能的象征。这标签是来自勃艮第和阿尔萨斯的葡萄酒AOC分类的最高等级。

Horizontal wine tasting keeps grape varietals, vintage and wine region the same in order to highlight the difference in winemaker styles. An example is the tasting of all the 2006 Sauvignon Blancs from the Loire Valley.

Horizontal wine tasting 意思是水平品酒会, 即以相同的葡萄种类、酿酒期和产区品酒,以突出酿酒师风格的差异,例如品尝2006年所有来自卢瓦尔河谷(Loire Valley)的白苏维翁葡萄酒(Sauvignon Blancs)。

Insipid is an expression to describe the wine as cloyingly sweet with low acidity.

Insipid 一词是用以形容葡萄酒如糖精般甜腻且酸度很低。

Jeroboam refers to a large wine bottle which is equivalent to four 750 ml bottles.

Jeroboam (耶罗波安) 指的是一个相等于750毫升的大酒瓶。

Late harvest also known as late picking; it is a regulatory term for dessert wines produced from overripe grapes high in residual sugars. The term is often used for Rieslings, Gewürztraminer and Tokay-Pinot Gris.

Late harvest 即晚收成,也称为晚采摘。这是一个监管术语,用于生产自过熟、残糖过高的甜点酒。此词通常用于雷司令(Rieslings)、琼瑶浆(Gewürztraminer)以及托卡灰皮诺( Tokay-Pinot Gris)葡萄酒。

Merlot is a popular French red grape, considered the most important grape in Bordeaux. This varietal is sensitive to frost and fungi, a rather difficult cultivating grape but is prized for its velvet tannins, powerful and well-balanced fruit and spice aromas. It is often combined with Cabernet to produce a blend with good ageing potential.

Merlot (梅洛)是法国广泛种植的红葡萄,在波多尔被视为最重要的葡萄品种。此品种对霜冻和真菌很敏感,是相当困难培植的葡萄,其珍贵在于它鹅绒般的单宁酸、强劲而平衡的水果以及香料的芬香。它通常与赤霞珠结合,调制出充满优质陈年潜力的好酒。

Négociant-Manipulant refers to wine merchants (négociants) who buy grapes to make their own champagnes.

Négociant-Manipulant 是操作商户,指的是买葡萄自制香槟酒的葡萄酒商人。

Oidium is a vine disease, a powdery mildew, that infects the leaves and fruit, dehydrating the grapes, giving the leaves a greyish tint.

Oidium 白粉病,是一种藤疾病。粉状的霉菌会感染叶子和果实,导致葡萄脱水,使叶子呈现灰色。

Plonk is a British slang for cheap wine and it is rumoured to originate from the word "blanc", French for white wine.

Plonk 在英国俚语里指的是廉价葡萄酒,传闻源自“blanc”,法文是白酒的意思。

Récoltant-Manipulant refers to winegrowers who make their own champagne.

Récoltant-Manipulant 意思是独立香槟酒庄,指的是用自家种植的葡萄酿造香槟酒的葡萄种植商。

Sémillon is a white grape varietal grown in Bordeaux that is very vulnerable to noble rot.  This grape makes fine sweet wines with elegant aromas of stone fruit, honey and pear.

Sémillon 即塞米雍葡萄,是一种在波多尔种植的白葡萄品种,非常容易受到贵腐病的侵袭。 这种葡萄可以酿制出优质的甜葡萄酒,有优雅的核果、蜂蜜和梨的香味。

Tuilé is a French word that describes the brick red colour in old wines.

Tuilé 是法语词,用以描述砖红色的陈酒。

Vertical wine tasting samples different vintages of the same grape varietal wine from the same winery. An example is Shiraz from five different years from the same producer. This highlights the differences between the vintages.

Vertical wine tasting 意即垂直品酒会,指的是品尝来自同一个庄园的不同年份但相同葡萄品种的葡萄酒,例如品尝来自同一个出产商五个不同年份的西拉(Shiraz),这样更能突显不同年份葡萄酒的差异。

Yeast are natural fast-multiplying organisms present on grape skins that help wine in its primary fermentation. They cannot survive over temperatures of 33 Celsius

Yeast 即酵母,是天然的、快速倍增的、存在于葡萄皮中的有机体。它有助于葡萄的主发酵,但无法在超过摄氏33度的温度中生存。

Zymology means the science of wine fermentation.

Zymology (酶学)指的是葡萄酒发酵的知识学问。

刊登于《JIU Wineliving Issue 2, p84-85

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