Saturday, March 3, 2012

Student Feedback 2011

Collating the feedback and analyzing the data help me realize the problems and mistakes made. This should have been done way earlier but I've putting it off for months. Finally got it out the way today and now I can get on with the task of rebuilding.
Admittedly, I didn't do very well last year but the students looked passed my weaknesses and still loved me. This year I really have to get my act together and do a good job. Just have to be more focused, more disciplined and find more creative ways in doing things.

Thank you, my beloved students, for your feedback and support. You are the ones who keep me going.

A. The Class

How would you grade this class? A, B, C, D
, E? Why?

1. A ~ It is because teacher Corinna is caring and hardworking to make sure that we get the best result in the exams.

2. A ~ I gain a lot of knowledge in this class. Teac
her is very good and cares for all students.
3. A ~ This class has let me pass my English.
4. A ~ It is because I learned a lot of vocabulary and the culture of other countries. It is quite fun.
5. A ~ I can listen to different voices of my friends when learning. The learning atmosphere is also funny and interesting.

6. A ~ I think, lessons after lessons, I am gaining more a
nd more knowledge.
7. A ~ It is because this class helped me improve my English.
8. A ~ It is because the class is not following the school syllabus. It is quite interesting and the teaching method is different fr
om my school teacher’s.
9. A ~ Teacher will try to amuse us with jokes and she is
funny in her sarcastic comments. My English did improve leaps and bounds as I remembered scoring a B+ before I came in and got and A after I joined this class. Thank you! 
10. A ~ No stress, comfortable.
11. A ~ It is because I learned a lot.

12. A ~ I don’t know but I think it is good.
13. A ~ the class in interesting and fun. I enjoyed the class very much.
14. A
15. E ~xcellent, because this class is fun.
16. B++ ~ Not bad. I like the atmosphere here.
Nice Sunday tuition.
17. C ~ It is because my grade is there.

B. The Worksheets

B~1 Were the worksheets helpful? How d
o you rate the lessons in the following? Give comments or a grade.

B~2 Were the worksheets helpful? How could they be improved?

1. ~ Yes. The worksheets included English words borrowed from other languages. They helped me learn new things.
2. ~ Yes, just need more exercise, I think.
3. ~ Yes, especially the grammar exercises.

4. ~Yes, maybe some spelling tests will be helpful.

5. ~ Yes. Essay writing and literature helped me a lot.
6. ~ They are helpful. Good enough.
7. ~ Helpful.
8. ~ Yes, they were all helpful.

9. ~ Yes! With more notes? Or maybe change the fonts to attract students more, or maybe some idioms in some
10. corners.
11. ~ Yes. My reading and writing has improved.
12. ~ Yes.

13. ~ Yes.

14. ~ Yes.
15. ~ Yes.

16. ~ Yes.
17. ~ Yes.

C. Questions about me

C~1 How do you rate me in the following? Give comments or a grade.

C~2 Did I have any notable strengths or weaknesses? How could I improve my teaching?
1. ~ Maybe more humour will make the lesson more interesting
2. ~ The strength is enthusiasm in teaching, very sensitive with English
3. ~ The strength of the teacher is she can use funny method in teaching so the class is not boring; the weakness is the teacher uses difficult words; sometimes I do not understand the meaning
4. ~ The strength of the teacher is she can use funny methods in teaching so I do not feel bored when learning; the weakness of the teacher is she uses difficult or bombastic words – sometimes I cannot understand the meaning of these words
5. ~ ‘Hazards and traps’ affect everyone and nobody is perfect but teacher, you have really done well – you are one that I haven’t met before in my secondary school years.
6. ~ Knowledgeable
7. ~ Teacher has patience in teaching weak students
8. ~ Always talk to the class (strengths); Always talk to the class (maybe weakness as some worksheets may have left undone); get students to love English
9. ~ Wide general knowledge 
10. ~ Improve: do something that can catch students’ attention
11. ~ No weakness; humourous
12. ~ Teacher, I think you have the power to control the class. You control the surrounding (?) effectively
13. ~ Not really; always very clear and…profound.  maybe more hilarious jokes about the Manglish that we can’t get rid of 
14. ~ Nothing. 
15. ~ You are doing great and the class is still interesting although there are not many students in the class.
16. Blank x 2

Other Comments

1. ~ I have learned learnt a lot about New Zealand culture in this class and it is very interesting.

2. ~ This class is not boring like other tuition classes. Love this class and Teacher’s teaching.
3. ~ I would probably miss this class.
4. ~ I learned other country’s culture from this class. The most memorable moment is when the teacher told HY not to copy essays from books. I love the style of teaching though it’s quite hard for me.
5. ~ I like the teacher because she is humorous and uses interesting method in teaching. After I have been in this class for about a year, I can speak proper English. My vocabulary has also improved a lot. Thank you, teacher. ^^
6. ~ Anyway, what I have learned from Teacher Corinna is 1 year already, anytime she scolded me as my poor condition for studying (Sorry, I really did get this!). Even I am weak, I promise I will do my best in my SPM. Thanks a lot, Teacher Corinna.
7. ~ Justin Bieber loves purple too!
8. ~ I am quite interested in other country’s culture. I love the lessons about other country’s culture such as that of Britain.
9. ~ What I have learned is English can be fun. I like writing in a creative way.
10. ~ The teacher puts a lot of emphasis on our pronunciation.
11. ~ Learned: my pronunciation, my essay and vocabulary; most memorable moment: Teacher told us the story behind her Chinese name.
12. ~ I learned English words. I liked all the worksheets you gave.
13. ~ The moment that I can’t forget until now is I borrowed a book from a teacher whom I only met a month but I lost the book she lent me. Sorry. 
14. ~ Thank you teacher for everything! (love sign). I really did improve a lot after joining this class. I’ll try my best to improve my grammar… :P All the best in life and help more students in need, because they really need your guidance. 
15. ~ Actually this is the best English class that I have ever had because your teaching is different from others. Ha ha ha ha =P
16. Blank x 2 

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