Saturday, January 28, 2012

CUTE birthday note 6 Jan 2012

Happy Birthday!
Our Dearest Ms Corinna! ♥ ♥ ♥

Your smile light up our life! We
love you very much!

Thank you for teaching us :)

We miss you
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And please be happy always!
(Y) :D ;D

Teacher you are LOVED!

We love you very much! You are

not alone, remember! :D Even we

are in the next class... 我们多么希望坐在的


不过没关系,我们的心在你那边 :) 你的不开心

分担 :) 记得我们 ♥ 你!!!
不要不开心啦~ :D 我们在!

Angel Soh <3
老师啊生日快乐!!!♥ 对不起这张简单的卡 ><;

下个星期再补回你好吗?:) P.S.II 请记得微笑 ♥

我们爱你啦!:3 Keep in touch ♥ ♥ ♥

so this is me in the eyes of students...

and what i looked like in 2005...

me now and then - doesn't seem to have aged. students...they are just cute!

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